Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Project Bombs and Eternity Instructions

1. You will need a MIDI pro adapter, a USB to MIDI cable, and a PC or Mac with enough hard drive space to install a free trial of reaper. I recommend the USB to MIDI cable I use, it’s cheap and functional.

2. Do not expect this to work on the first try. I would allow 15 to 30 minutes on your first few song attempts. After doing a few successfully, you will learn the timing for syncing and songs will go much more smoothly.

3. You will need to go to this link to download either a free 60 day trial or a full paid version of Reaper. You will be using Reaper to play the files I provide with your MIDI pro adapter.

4. After Reaper has been installed choose the song you want to play from the directory of files here. Click on this link and download the file(s) that you need.

5. Get your MIDI pro adapter and USB to MIDI cable. Connect your USB to MIDI cable to your computer via USB, plug the MIDI out end of the cable into your MIDI pro adapter, and then plug your MIDI pro adapter into your console.

6. Open up the file you downloaded in Reaper by double clicking it. On the input/output option on the “Part_Drums” piece of the MIDI file choose USB 2.0 as the MIDI output.

7. Zoom in and drag the start point as close to the first note as you can without touching the first note.

8. Start up the game of your choice and select the song that matches the file you have downloaded and opened.

9. Start the song and get ready to press play in Reaper.

10. There is a slight delay between pressing the play button in Reaper and when Reaper actually starts playing the notes, so press play slightly before the first note crosses the “hit zone” in Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

11. If you have timed it perfectly, Reaper will now play 100% of the notes in the song and unlock the desired achievement(s). If Reaper is missing notes continue reading.

12. If Reaper is missing notes it is because you pressed play either too early or too late. All you need to do to get Reaper to work is to is try again. I found the easiest way to succeed is to first hit stop in Reaper, restart the song, and try again.


  1. AMAZING TUTORIAL! It worked perfectly even on PS3 console. Thank you very much. You don't how many times I've tried getting 100% on Helter Skelter and Jaded bass. You are true hero for taking your time making these awesome midi charts. Please, Could you upload some hard "Tre Greatest Hits" ? I have 50/74 and I Still think i will never get the achieviement.

    1. Good to hear that this works on PS3 as well.

  2. Im having trouble getting the USB 2.0 output to appear, also when two notes share a line, for example RY or a kick with a G on it, only one will hit

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. I have heard of this happening before and I am not sure what causes it. My only suggestion would be to try uninstalling and reinstalling Reaper and trying again.

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    3. Ill try that also, follow up, does the calibration have to be at a certain level? I know it varies from TV to TV so this may have been a silly question but I figured Id ask it anyway

      Thanks for the help and what you are doing here

      PS - Is me being on a Mac possibly a difference maker

    4. The calibration would be no different than it would be if you were playing the game normally. For example if you usually set it to 50ms video delay you would also use 50ms video delay for this. I don't think being on a mac is a problem because as far as I know Reaper behaves exactly the same way on a mac and I don't see why the USB to MIDI cable would not be compatible with a mac.

    5. I am also a Mac user and I am experiencing the same problem (I.E it only plays one note). I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it didn't help. Any thoughts? Am I going to need to borrow a friend's Windows PC?

  3. Just a curious question - you mention you need a MIDI Pro adapter for this. Would this work using the MIDI-in port on the Guitar Hero Drum Hub?

    1. It is possible but there are a few differences. You need to download from the Guitar Hero section of the directory (a bit small right now) because the GH drum brain uses different notes than the pro adapter. Other than the file you use the method is basically the same. I plan on making a tutorial for it when I get around to expanding the library a bit but it's pretty easy if you want to get a head start on it.

    2. Is this the Mad cats Midi Pro adpater your referring too?

  4. How complicated a process is it to convert the MadCatz adapter files to a GH drum brain format? Is it something someone fairly new to Reaper could do, or would it be better to request the chart from you? The MadCatz adapters are almost impossible to find in England, and a lot of the "core" drum achievements are out of my reach. Either way, could I possibly request the following for your next charting batch:
    GH Smash Hits - Raining Blood X+
    GH Smash Hits - Through the Fire and Flames
    GH Smash Hits - Freebird
    GH Metallica - Dyer's Eve
    GH Metallica - Batterya
    RB Green Day - Brain Stew/Jaded
    RB Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia
    Certain Tee's Greatest Hits files I also need, but I'm not home currently so can't check which. Thanks so much!

    1. It's not terribly complicated, however, it is not possible to convert songs for Guitar Hero games, so for that list you would probably be better off requesting. I am going to make some songs today so I will try to make at least a few from that list.

  5. I have the same cable, same pro adapter, installed on both a win 8 and win 7 computer but both don't allow me to choose an output. when everythign is plugged in, i see only one green light on the midi cable, player one, the computer detected the cable and it says it was installed... but still no option for chosing 2.0 in the output. do you know what's wrong?

    1. I've heard of this happening before and it is likely one of two things. The first is that Reaper does not recognize cables connected before startup so make sure Reaper has not been started when the cable is connected to your PC. If that does not work the cable is likely defective. If you bought it from Amazon they will probably replace it for free.

  6. I bought that cable you linked and under Device Manager in the Sound area I see USB2.0-MIDI, so the cable is active. I got the Madcatz adaptor and was able to navigate the menus in Rock Band. However, I cannot select the USB2.0-MIDI as an output device in Reaper - it just says "" ghosted out. Thoughts?

  7. Go to Options > Preferences (Ctrl + P) and find the MIDI Devices in the right section, there you can enable it. Hope it helps as I had the same problem.

    1. Nailed it. That fixed my problem. Thanks, Jonker!

    2. This didn't fix it for me. What else can I try?

  8. Can't get this working, unfortunately. When starting a game, the MIDI Pro adapter is recognized as a regular controller, not as a drum set. Hence, Guitar Hero tells me to plug in a microphone.

    Can anybody help me please?
    Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker.

    1. Are you playing on PS3? If so the MIDI pro adapter is unfortunately not supported in the PS3 version of any of the Guitar Hero games. Instead it is recognized as a regular controller. It should work in most or all versions of Rock Band though.

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  12. Hi, Great Instructions by the way,

    Im using my guitar hero drum kit with a "Red-Octane" USB-Midi cable straight in the back to send the signals to my xbox, its working really well on rock band and kind of on guitar hero.

    My problem is that on guitar hero there seems to be random orange notes through the song which knock off my streak! while still maintaining 99-100%!

    (i am converting straight from the raw midi into GH format)

    Its very frustrating, have you come across this?

  13. GH van halen game only recognize the controller as a mic. Im using this on my ps3. worked great with all my rock band games. trying to finish this game off but cant because of this issue. any reason as to why it doesnt recognize this as a drum on this game ? any help would be appreciated

    1. Unfortunately, the Pro adapter only works with Rock Band games on the PS3. All of the Guitar Hero games just see it as a standard controller. The only way that I know of to play drums on PS3 is through a GH drum set. The file library for the GH drums is quite lacking, however, and you may need to chart your own songs for it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hey dude, do I need to own the Pro instruments to actually start the songs on Rock Band 3 on my PS3 or does the MIDI Pro adapter take care of this?

    1. You do not need the instruments. The adapter will take care of it.

    2. Awesome! Is it only possible to do the Pro Drum trainer achievements with this setup or are there files for Pro Keys/Pro Guitar trainers and songs too?

    3. Guitar is currently not possible. I have some keys files but they need some work before being published. I still do plan on getting them up eventually.

    4. That's great man I can't wait to give this a go. I know they're pretty complex to make but I don't suppose you have any more pro keys song files lying around that aren't in the directory? I think there's an achievement for doing 25 of them and there's like two songs short of that =')

    5. What's? Ur psn i need help and was going to ask if u'd help me get one 1 with ur pro midi.


    Is this the adapter I need for the 360?

    1. Yep, but i found mine $10 cheaper on ebay.

  17. Hey there. Any news about pro keys trainings for rb3?

  18. Randy...first off thank you for the drum guide I could not have made it through 2 or 3 songs without your help. Secondly, have you by chance figured out how to do it for the guitar songs? I am not a developer, but happy to put in the work if you can get me started on how to do it. Let me know

    1. There has been no progress on getting guitar to work. I know that it is possible, but due to my limited knowledge of how MIDI instruments and controllers work, there isn't much I can do until somebody is able to record a sample of the MIDI signal a pro guitar sends to a pro adapter. If it's something you're interested in looking into, shoot me an email - pbae.crandy at

  19. Just a not for those looking to make syncing very easy. If you are using a Guitar Hero drum set on a Guitar Hero series game drag the start point on Reaper to 0.200. Then as soon as the song loads click in and hold the play button releasing exactly when the first line in the highway crosses the strike line. Should be in perfect sync. If the drums part of the track doesn't start at 0.00 just add 0.200 to whatever it starts at. I talking about the time in seconds which is the second number. I don't know what the other 0.0.00 number refers to. It would be nice if that worked since you can type that one in manually after you click on it. If you are using a Rock Band song with the Guitar Hero drum set the start points are different. If you are playing a song with only the drum set drag the start point to 1.600 and do the same thing releasing when the first bar in the highway crosses the strike line. If you are playing in a band with other instruments drag the start point to 1.200 and do as above. This has made syncing so much easier for me. I have made Guitar Hero Drum kit files for all the songs in GH: Van Halen and many of the songs for GH 5, World Tour and Band Hero for the drum challenges. I can send them to be uploaded if you are still doing that.

    1. can you send me the van hales files please?
