Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Project Bombs and Eternity FAQ

Project Bombs and Eternity FAQ.

Q: What is Project Bombs and Eternity?
A: Project Bombs and Eternity is a project I have created and continue to develop that plays Rock Band and Guitar Hero in order to help unlock achievements/trophies.

Q: How do I use Project Bombs and Eternity?
A: Text and video instructions can be found here.

Q: Where can I download new song files?
A: A list of all available drum files can be found here.

Q: When do you make new songs and how can I find out when they are posted?
A: I almost always make a new blog post whenever I add songs to the directory or add any compatibility to PBaE. The best way to see when new songs are posted is to follow my blog.

Q: Are you going to make a file for "insert song here"?
A: If it is related to an achievement/trophy in any way the answer is most likely yes. If there is a song you would like me to try and prioritize post a comment and I will do my best to add it next time I am making charts.

Q: Can you add guitar and bass support?
A: Although I would like to, unfortunately there is not a guitar with a MIDI input, so it is not possible to add support for guitar and bass.

Q: Can you add pro instrument support?
A: It is something I am working on, however, the pro instrument files are much more complex than the standard instrument files so it is probably going to take a significant amount of time to make them functional. I would expect to see them eventually, but not in the near future.

Q: Where can I find vocals files?
A: I post all of my vocals files to my YouTube channel and I have links to each of them in the directory found here.

Q: There is a song I need but it is not posted. Can I make it myself?
A: Yes, I have posted some charting tutorials here.

Q: Can I post the songs I have created to the blog?
A: Yes, please email your song files to with the name you would like me to use when crediting you.


  1. Any progress on RB3 pro drums?

  2. Playing For Achievements: Project Bombs And Eternity Faq >>>>> Download Now

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    Playing For Achievements: Project Bombs And Eternity Faq >>>>> Download LINK

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    Playing For Achievements: Project Bombs And Eternity Faq >>>>> Download Full

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