Saturday, 19 April 2014

Tons of new songs. Guitar Hero Van Halen and Rock Band now complete (almost).

Hello readers,

Thanks to a very hard working contributor that wishes to remain anonymous, there is now a complete set of files for Guitar Hero Van Halen as well as Rock Band 1, almost. There is a problem with the Little Guitars file in Guitar Hero Van Halen. I have taken a look at it and I can't find the problem, but it appears to be something with the unedited file. It will probably take some time so I doubt I will get to it until the summer when I finish school. If any of you can pinpoint the problem you are welcome to submit it. The new Van Halen songs posted are Jamie's Cryin', Jump, Panama, Romeo Delight, Runnin' With the Devil, Unchained, and You Really Got Me.

Rock Band has a complete career set so all of the drum related achievements should now be easily obtainable for all.

When I was going through my files I found that I had created some of the requested The Beatles Rock Band songs that hadn't yet been uploaded to the site. The songs I added were And Your Bird Can Sing, Birthday, and Hello Goodbye.

I also realized that I forgot to post the links to the Frets On Fire forums with the download links for the MIDI files in the tutorial video. I have now updated the video with the links.

I will continue to do updates when or if new songs are submitted.

Until next time,

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