Friday, 25 October 2013

Project Bombs and Eternity - weekly update 6-7

I apologies for the lack of updates these last couple weeks. Especially with the beginning of my new cooking blog that I really want to work on some more. I have been really busy with school and life these last coupe weeks and probably will continue to be extremely busy for the next three or four weeks. However, mid to late November I will be almost completely done with school. At this time I want to sit down and create a lot of or possibly all of the drum and vocals files and possibly begin work on pro instruments as well as get back to regular updates. Until I finish with school for this semester I don't think I will be posting regular songs weekly but I will be fixing expired links and answering comments with the possibility of a couple of recipes here and there because there are a few I need to rewrite for my collection.

I would also like to thank all the regular visitors and the non regular visitors for getting almost 10,000 views on this blog. It is something I never thought possible. I thank you for all the feedback on PBaE and my thoughts on things.

I apologies again for the lack of current and near future updates. Next semester I will try to plan my work more efficiently so I do not run into this problem again.


  1. Thank you so much for all your help! hope you still working on your proyect whenever you can. Here is what I promised: the full advanced training with pro drums in RB3 (RB Format), feel free to download or if you want you can add it to the MIDI File Directory, See ya!

    Rock Band 3 Final Pro Drum Trainer lessons.rar!QJFGGLCT!X7GXUEx2ehRazq3uU5eEminMysJj1wyPBc9FkBDBJ4o

    1. Wow that's awesome that you did that. I will give them a try when I finish up with my school work. I will also upload them to the site and credit you for them. Did you convert the ripped trainer MIDI files or did you manually chart them all?

    2. I just sat and charted them manually, first the ones i missed and then the rest. Didnt know that there were some ripped midi files, but it was easier than chart a song xD but time consumig yeah. Glad i helped

  2. I can confirm that they worked! Great work GermanLS7!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Also thanks to this blog that i learned how to create/use the midi files

  3. I take it this project is dead?

    1. Not dead, it was just on hold. I am going to do some work on it tonight and begin regular song updates again.
