I would like to thank Urban Spaceman for letting me move and host my files on his server. The files will no longer expire and when they are being downloaded you will not have to go through zippyshare anymore, they will begin downloading immediately after being clicked. I am nowhere near moving all of the files yet so most of them are still on zippyshare but I will try to move a bunch of them each week and all of the new files will be hosted on the server.
I was going to post a few Cut the Rope videos this week but I ran into some hardware problems. My good microphone I usually use seems to have died. It took a few good bumps during my move to California so I guess that and sitting around since last week finished it off. I used a Rock Band microphone which got the job done but doesn't sound as good. The second problem is that I do all of my recording in the large closet in my bedroom because I live in a two room apartment just off one of the main streets so it is quite loud and the closet is the only place quiet enough to record decent audio. I usually end up doing most of my editing in there as well as my recording because I usually do the videos in small pieces or have to re record segments. It was a really hot day so I didn't want to sit in the hot closet after hardware failure for longer than I had to so there is only one Cut the Rope video this week. Maybe I will make the others next week if it is not so hot.