Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Project Bombs and Eternity update 3 - Tre's Greatest Hits and new songs

Hello everyone that is following the project and thank you for all of your positive feedback and support so far. An extra thanks to zzUrbanSpaceman for providing me with all of the trainer charts for Green Day Rock Band, The Beatles Rock Band, and Rock Band 3 and potentially making "A Very Troubled Youngster" a reasonable achievement.

I have had multiple messages in the last couple of weeks regarding the possibility of a set of charts for Tre's Greatest Hits. I thought instead of messaging each of you back individually I would just create this blog post and I can add other news as well. A complete set of charts for Tre's Greatest Hits is possible, however, it is much more difficult and time consuming than creating a single song. Fortunately, every song I have put in Reaper so far has had a 1:1 playback speed so all I have had to do is delete the notes for easy, medium, and hard and switch the numbers around in order for the song to play back to the MIDI pro adapter. The first problem with Tre's Greatest Hits is that it does not have a 1:1 playback speed, each beat in Green Day Rock Band seems to play at a different speed. This is possible to fix by determining the playback ratio by dividing the playback time in Reaper by the playback time in game. For example, the playback ratio for Cool Solo 2 is ~1.41:1 so for every 1 second played back in game Reaper will be behind by .41 seconds. Fortunately Reaper allows the playback speed to be changed making this achievement possible. The second problem is that all of the beats are crammed into one single MIDI file so in order to make this easily accessible to every one, regardless of knowledge, I will have to cut each of the beats out of the large MIDI file and create an individual file for each one. Luckily, this will also allow me to implement the ratio directly into each of the files so it does not need to be adjusted manually, making it much more convenient when the set is finished. Tonight I was able to complete Cool Solo 2 using the adjusted ratio I calculated so when I get all of the miscellaneous drum charts created and posted I will begin to calculate ratios for each of the beats and hopefully make this achievement possible for every one.

In other news I have created and posted charts and achievement guides for Beast and the Harlot, Free Bird, and Through the Fire and Flames. I will continue to work on creating charts and achievement guides for all of the miscellaneous drum achievements. If there are any requests for songs please leave a comment on my blog and I will put it on the top of the priority list on a first come first served basis. If I do not receive any requests I will create them in whatever order I feel like.

I don't expect to get a lot created in the next few weeks because I am in the middle of moving from Canada to the United States and that, along with work, is keeping me very busy but I will do my best to get some new content out when I have some time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. GH World Tour-Assassin and No Sleep till Brooklyn.
    GH Metallic- Battery, Orion and Dyers Eve.
    GH WoR- Bleed it out and Fury of the storm.
    Thanks again.
