2. Do not expect this to work on the first try. I would allow 15 to 30 minutes on your first few song attempts. After doing a few successfully, you will learn the timing for syncing and songs will go much more smoothly.
3. You will need to go to this link to download either a free 60 day trial or a full paid version of Reaper. You will be using Reaper to play the files I provide with your MIDI pro adapter.
4. After Reaper has been installed choose the song you want to play from the directory of files here. Click on this link and download the file(s) that you need.
5. Get your MIDI pro adapter and USB to MIDI cable. Connect your USB to MIDI cable to your computer via USB, plug the MIDI out end of the cable into your MIDI pro adapter, and then plug your MIDI pro adapter into your console.
6. Open up the file you downloaded in Reaper by double clicking it. On the input/output option on the “Part_Drums” piece of the MIDI file choose USB 2.0 as the MIDI output.
7. Zoom in and drag the start point as close to the first note as you can without touching the first note.
8. Start up the game of your choice and select the song that matches the file you have downloaded and opened.
9. Start the song and get ready to press play in Reaper.
10. There is a slight delay between pressing the play button in Reaper and when Reaper actually starts playing the notes, so press play slightly before the first note crosses the “hit zone” in Guitar Hero or Rock Band.
11. If you have timed it perfectly, Reaper will now play 100% of the notes in the song and unlock the desired achievement(s). If Reaper is missing notes continue reading.
12. If Reaper is missing notes it is because you pressed play either too early or too late. All you need to do to get Reaper to work is to is try again. I found the easiest way to succeed is to first hit stop in Reaper, restart the song, and try again.